Letters to a Young Philosopher

“What we like best is not always good for us.”

That’s a statement.

It’s a statement that’s sorta like an equation.

You build stuff on it.

Or use it to try to fly.

Please take it to Kitty Halk and test it, dear.

You might be using the glider guy’s equation to build a flight machine.

Test it like a Right Brother.

I tested it.

Using that statement as truth I glided and crashed insanely. Repeatedly. For years. I couldn’t believe in flight then. Like the world hoped but didn’t back in the day.

Like Einstein said:

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

I stopped.

Test shit honey.

It has to work to be true.

What you go by has got to at least achieve some tiny flight.

Then you have something solid that works to go ahead and get on with the space era.


What do you think?