Because Every Day Is Fucking Magical!

What you are looking at is the exquisite, rare strand of priceless gems.

It’s the magnificent amulet called:

Because Every Day Is Fucking Magical!

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This is the original. Notice, no exclamation point or trademark™.

This irreplaceable amulet has been evilly™ and fabulously hijacked by the now magnificent Waywardspirit from the impenetrable burning fortress of Le Clown .

It’s magnificent, irresistible beauty, as you can see, is hidden for safe-keeping by an invisibility spell.

You know it is here for it’s irresistible magnificent magic is now washing over you…Because Every Day Is Fucking Magical!

The “Because Every Day Is Fucking Magical!” banner at Le Clown now?

A faux replica!

The once-magnificent Le Clown is tricked. He does not speak French, that’s why.

You will immediately notice an absence of magic when you look at his faux banner. See for yourself at Le Clown .

Part ii

Watch your step. Come in. Come in!
Right through this door. No mater that you don’t see it.

You step over the threshold.
You feel it. You bow your head.

The line of visitors behind you eagerly push you forward. Ceiling is low. You bow your head.

You are compelled.
Reverence by low ceiling. Lower, lower. You bow.
You kneel before the Alter of Le Clown.

The passage is narrow. The way through is forward.

You do obeisance to Le Clown. Le Clown trademarked God™.  Waywardspirit heisted Le Clown’s magnificence™.
So God™ is in Waywardspirit’s pocket. As you bow before the alter of Le Clown owner of God™ your power got sucked out and stored in canisters. Just like it’s gets sucked out by your signature.

Thanks for coming.
Invite your friends.
Come back next week for Great Rewards in Heaven™.

Next up…

God-This Is Not A Trap

20 thoughts on “Because Every Day Is Fucking Magical!

  1. Note the existence of a small collector series of this amulet, spotted at Collette (hip concept store on the rue Saint Honoré in Paris) late last week. I believe it was called “Parce que chaque jour est une putain de belle journée”.


    1. Super Intrigued
      “Fencing with the gods” on your website…no explanation…just the mystery

      Sounds like a sport adventure I’d like…love

      After “Le” Clown, it’s the Gods that go down!


      1. You are quite right: “Fencing with the Gods” is a sport adventure, not unlike life itself! It requires equal parts independence of mind, humor and balls. I am quite sure you have all three and that our paths will cross again (I’m guessing we will be playing on the same team).



              1. Point taken, or as those unfamiliar with existentialism might say (the concept of fencing preceding language would be lost on them) “touché”.

                And yes, the Gods evidently understand the finger.


    2. Indeed, worrior goddess Elettra.
      That’s were I snagged the faux replica to fool His Clownness. *raises eyebrows*
      Collecting all true magic swords.
      Let the gods go down wielding their replicas!


      1. The Gods are a concept. More conceptual than my demons, which I am yet to tame…

        Demons. Now there is a battle I will wage proudly and ardently.

        Thanks for the interest and also the follow on Twitter. It looks like I will definitely be seeing you around.


        1. Makes me wonder Elettra,

          Demons are gods perhaps….gods are demons. Hence the finger and fencing, among other things.
          A demon is a false belief held as true or something we still give our power to, much like a god, don’t you think?

          Hmmmmh you are genius…

          “taming the gods”
          Wonderful like fencing with the gods.

          It let’s me know that it’s not bad, just not true and creates crappy consequences when I worship it, believe it, it and give it power.

          gods are demons

          Hmmmh that must be were the idea of one true God came from.
          I’m getting weird here while I’m thinking there is only one true God for me that is true to me, my higher self or whatever. If this were true then everyone else has one true God like one true path that flows with each and our choices to infinity…. Each person and their God are tailored to each other. : )
          Like people don’t fit into institutions, neither do Gods.
          Now there is some nice light chitchat.

          I like you daring sexy and imaginative and oh so vulnerable. What a God you must be one with!


          1. Yes: I believe if you can just let yourself be that vulnerable, you can actually dance with the Gods and if you, my dear, are correct about Gods being demons, I reckon you can actually seduce the Gods before tea time, without having to put up much of a fight.

            I too am enjoying the chitchat. Keep it philosophical, if not real. The only that’s real is love. But here I am going off the deep end, again…


  2. if you start thinking or looking in between “everyday is fucking”, then magic will b lost only f…. will remain, o experience the magic live (read) complete in total.


What do you think?