


The Beautiful Blogger Award



Thomas: “By the authority vested in me, I hereby nominate you, Waywardspirit for the Beautiful Blogger Award.”


You thought of me. This makes me feel good. Thanks. I’m proud to accept this distinguished award. This award distinguishes Thomas, and so he distinguishes me. Now I feel the distinguishment.

About Me

1. I make the best guacamole this side of Mexico.

2. A big slice of the worlds population does not dig my sense of humor, and I think they are boring.

3. Most of my kid years I pretended not to know the answers in quiz games. As a grownup I often laugh alone.

4. I aspire to acquire a better enemy on WordPress. Le Clown sucks at it.

5. I can feel the feelings of people around me, and over distances, when we are connected.

6. My story used to scare me.  I have stopped being afraid.

7. I always think unimaginable things. Like I think that that the un-justice systems in the whole world are such a joke that we will all laugh them out of existence, together. With this I mean even the sad, bored, disgusted, people who think they have no choice but to hold the system together will look at it, see the hilarity and laugh so hard they cry.  : D

Now I get to distinguish this these fellow Amazers!

*Waves wand*

Brandy Desiree Collins

Mind Blowing. Poems, even one for me. If you can swim with this mermaid, you may develop gills. Totally nominated!

  Bob Skelly     hittingthesweetspot

Brave fun daring adventures of the mind and heart story-telling guy. I was just waiting for the chance to tell everyone.


Walking around this cite makes me smile, and the wind blow. I go for walks here all the time.


I just like her, that’s why.  : )

Allyson Mellone

She is that back and forth kind of keen wit and insight for you that weaves right into your substance and becomes you.

Pat Cegan

She will tell you! And you will like it…


Gonna hire this guy to do my graphics. God knows I need him. Since I haven’t yet, peek at my future look and dream with me.


Warms and freezes my heart when I go there. Last time, he ate all the chocolate and didn’t share. That was after he, well find out for yourself…


I re-think my life, like a new pair of shoes when I walk his way.



1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post.

2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

3. Tell 7 things about yourself.

4. Nominate 7 other fellow bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award, and comment on their blogs to let them know.




euzicasa george-b nominated waywardspirit for One Lovely Blog Award.

Thank you!

  • 1 It took me over a month to figure out how to accept this award.
  • 2 A dead person asked me to help him.
  • 3 The only grade I finished is first grade.
  • 4 As a kid I wished to have a chest full of journals. Wishes come true in multiples.
  • 5 My college philosophy and ethics teacher Dr. Bob Sullivan wrote that I was the brightest student he ever taught in his forty years as Ivy League professor. Yet, I’ve not kept a job.
  • 6 I believe Steve Jobs is the quintessential public servant.
  • 7 I have a big mouth at my finger tips. Yet, this is hard.

I am honored to nominate these wonder blogs and their people:

  1. advocatemmmohan
  2. Rishabh Upadhyay
  3. poetjena
  4. Sydney Fong
  5. williamjatkins
  6. Anna Rydne
  7. Piglet in Portugal
  8. thelivingnotebook
  9. Prashant
  10. Thomas
  11. Naomikko
  12. simonpaulwoodward

19 thoughts on “Awards

  1. Always remember that we all go, more or less through same experiences> It was hard for me too, but guess what: now you acquired skills that will help you. I’m glad you did it!


  2. I hvae noticed that the smarter someone is the harder it is for them to to keep a job into today’s work place. Today;s work places frown upon people thinking for themselves or being creative outside the extremely narrow lines you are given. I think you’re all kinds of cool and creative 🙂 This site is different in a really cool way. I just thought I would tell you that.



    1. mrmarymuthafuckingpoppins

      Love to say that!
      Spelling is different
      Several times begining a reply damn
      I’m going to say this name to Dave
      Feels good on the tongue
      On the imagination
      Philosophy doesn’t remind me
      To copy and paste or learn how to spell
      Or keep a job like you say
      Something in your comment
      Blew me away
      And I’ve come all kinds of back
      With the memory of your story still fresh
      bleeding were our two intersect
      Thanks for re making my world a part
      With them spoonfuls of sweet medicine
      Crashing down my heart

      Le Waywardspirited ; )


  3. I’ve nominated your work for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award; to work out what on earth that means, go to and become none the wiser; if you’d like to accept the award there are, as always, things you are obliged to do (but at least you get to wear a smart badge); if you don’t want to do those things I will sit in this corner of your blog, fold my arms and breathe little puffs of fume and smoke until you do


  4. Hello, I’m here again, and … guess what happened to me …?

    I am sorry – it’s the kid in me; I got given an award and I’d like to pass it on. You have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award. To see what on earth this is all about have a look at If you want to accept the award you have to do some stuff to get the badge and the little bit of publicity. If you want to accept the award quietly … (then let’s just keep it between ourselves – it is still nonetheless genuinely offered).


What do you think?